Shocking moment protester pulls Israel flag down from Sheffield town hall before hoisting Palestinian symbol in its place in front of cheering crowd

 Two men are said to have climbed the council building before getting down and fleeing the scene, police have said. Shocking footage shows a hooded man shuffling along the ridge of the roof, around 60 metres off the ground. After reaching the mast he pulls down the flag, video shows, before successfully raising the Palestinian flag in its place. Gathered crowds below celebrated below as the blue and white banner was thrown to the floor, cheering the man who then climbed down and absconded.

Mother of missing Shani Louk says she's been told she's ALIVE: Tattoo artist who was paraded on back of Hamas truck after Nova festival massacre 'is critically ill in Gaza hospital'

 The shocking revelation, if true, provides a glimmer of hope for a despairing family who were forced to watch videos of an unconscious and partially naked Shani paraded through the streets on the back of a pickup truck by Hamas militants as onlookers spat on her motionless body. Shani's mother Ricarda Louk told German outlet Bild: 'We now have evidence that Shani is alive but has a serious head injury and is in critical condition. Every minute is critical. 'You have to act quickly and get Shani out of the Gaza Strip!' she declared in the message directed at German officials. 'We shouldn't argue about questions of jurisdiction now!' Shani, 22, is German but grew up in Israel, and was one of hundreds of unsuspecting partygoers at the Nova festival where Hamas conducted a massacre of some 260 civilians.


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