Shocking moment protester pulls Israel flag down from Sheffield town hall before hoisting Palestinian symbol in its place in front of cheering crowd

 Two men are said to have climbed the council building before getting down and fleeing the scene, police have said. Shocking footage shows a hooded man shuffling along the ridge of the roof, around 60 metres off the ground. After reaching the mast he pulls down the flag, video shows, before successfully raising the Palestinian flag in its place. Gathered crowds below celebrated below as the blue and white banner was thrown to the floor, cheering the man who then climbed down and absconded.

A paramedic holds a little girl crying after being pulled from the scene of the bombing Gaza on Monday


Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said atrocities committed by Hamas during its attack on Israel mirrored those carried out by the jihadist group Islamic State.

'The atrocities committed by Hamas have not been seen since ISIS atrocities. Bound children executed along with their families. Young men and women shot in the back, executed. Other horrors I won't describe here,' Netanyahu said.

'We have always known who Hamas is. Now the entire world knows. Hamas is ISIS. And we will defeat it just like the enlightened world defeated ISIS. This vile enemy wanted war and it will get war,' he said. 

With Hamas attacks into Israel checked by devastating airstrikes into Gaza, there is no indication of the conflict waning, despite calls for de-escalation from the international community.

Earlier today, Netanyahu vowed to 'change the Middle East' in response to Hamas' shock incursion over the weekend. 

'What Hamas will experience will be difficult and terrible... we are going to change the Middle East,' Netanyahu told officials visiting Jerusalem from the country's south.

'This is only the beginning... we are all with you and we will defeat them with force, enormous force.'

'What we will do to our enemies in the next few days will echo for generations,' Netanyahu said earlier today.







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